High Frequency Words
550 - 1st Grade Words


l. all
2. are
3. as
4. ball
5. be
6. boy
7. by
8. come
9. day
10. did
11. eat
12. for
13. get
14. girl
15. got
16. had
17. has
18. her
19. him
20. his
21. how
22. if
23. jump
24. look
25. man
26. mom
27. not
28. now
29. of
30. or
31. out
32. play
33. put
34. ran
35. read
36. run
37. sat
38. saw
39. say
40. she
41. sit
42. then
43. they
44. this
45. too
46. us
47. was
48. went
49. will
50. yes